When a multi award-winning and top rated cleaning service decided it was time to tidy up employee timekeeping, they called Timesheet Mobile… Muffetta (Angie) and Troy Krueger owns Muffetta’s Domestic Assistants, a home and office cleaning company with a 25-30 person crew, with offices in both Westchester and Orange County, NY. Frustrated with inflated hours and questions…
Do your full-time flex employees have side jobs? With the sharing economy offering so many opportunities to earn extra income, workers are cashing in. Meanwhile, employers are left wondering if they are getting the hours they are paying for. Gig workers are a growing sector of the workforce, making the case for implementing an employee time tracking system even stronger.
One of the biggest concerns that employees have when their employer implements a mobile timekeeping is the issue of privacy. Timesheet Mobile offers the following information to help uphold trust, ease the timekeeping transition and demonstrate how we respect and protect employee privacy. Location Tracking. The TSM app is NOT a tracking device and employees are not being monitored all day…
Zume Pizza, a silicon Valley pizza startup, is rolling out a delivery truck outfitted with 56 ovens TO bake pizza pies en route to customers.
A flurry of bills to delay or phase in the final overtime rule gained steam before Congress adjourned late September until after the presidential election.
How Timesheet Mobile helped Kansas City’s most decorated remodeler construct a plan for employee accountability… To be the best of the best in any category, businesses need to be firing on all cylinders. And when customer satisfaction ratings are what puts you on the map, your employees need to be executing at the highest level….
Hurry up and wait … How investing in current home construction can pay off for patient homeowners. In many states, the housing industry has become one in which supply cannot keep up with demand. There simply aren’t enough available options for home buyers–other than those that enjoy bidding wars. Given the nature of the market, many…
The on-demand “gig” economy is a growing sector where millions work as independent contractors. While the absence of a traditional HR department may be problematic, a smart employee time tracking system can help fill that void.
Leadership, along with some motivational tools, will help you lead your employees to want to do what you want them to do
Boathouse Sports doesn’t think cutting-edge technology should be reserved for basketball players and track and field athletes.